Monday, April 15, 2013

Gun Control Laws

Ever since the Newtown incident, the buzz on Capitol Hill has been all about gun control laws. What do you think? Should people be able to keep guns?

Boston Marathon

Today during the Boston Marathon a bomb exploded killing three people including and eight year old. The bomb also injured over 130 people.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

North Korea

North Korea has been planning to send a nuclear missile. North Korea has one of the worst economies in the world because of the little amount of trading they perform. Yet, North Korea has the 5th strongest army in the world.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Drones are like big remote control airplanes that can be used for various purposes. Sometimes they are used for agriculture while others can be used for spying. Drones can also lead to deaths of innocent civilians. What do you think of drones? Keep them or abandon them?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Google Maps

If at any time you would like to find where something is in the world, use this link to google maps.

World Teenews

This is a blog that will have information about news all around the world. This blog is meant for teens.